
cyberREN Stellen deren Personal Bewertungen hinsichtlich der installierten Softwareproduktes sowie ueber CML Kundendienst und Software Erhaltungsdienste, abgegeben hat.


Keeping our clients current

Santa Clara Valley Health and Hospital Services, San Jose, California

This facility is hospital based in California’s Silicon Valley, and operates an acute unit. The site uses a combination of Cobe C3 and Phoenix machines, with cyberREN providing links to the hospital system for billing, patient demographics as well as radiology and laboratory results.

"Thank you for sponsoring the successful 2006 Users Group Meeting in San Diego.  Without question, every attendee gained volumes by just showing up.  The future enhancements you presented made us all eager to implement them in the present".

Thanks again for the gift box.

Steven R. Fast, CHT - Manager-Technical Operations-RCC - November, 2006



Cheshire and Merseyside Renal Services, UK Cybernius Medical Ltd will supply the cyberREN Renal Electronic Medical Record system for ten hospitals within the Merseyside and Wirral health economy.

“After a thorough selection process, cyberREN came out on top in every way.  To ensure we were making the correct choice we went to see all the systems we were considering in action and when we went to see cyberREN we realized what could be achieved in Cheshire and Merseyside. We hope to be fully operational by the end of the year.”

Julie Batterton the Associate Directorate Manager Nephrology & Renal Transplant Directorates  Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen University Hospital Trust - April 2008

St. Luke's Memorial Hospital, Utica, NY

St. Luke's ist einer der am meisten avancierten Benutzer der cyberREN Technologie. Seit 1998 wurde diese Stelle an ein Netzwerk mit 12 oder mehr Cobe C3 Maschinen in zwei Dialysekliniken, (Rome, NY & Mohawk Valley, NY) und der Heart Institute Services facility in St. Elizabeth's Medical Center, angeschlossen. cyberREN bietet auch klinisches Informations management fuer alle ESRD Behandlungs- modalitaeten.

Fletcher Allen Health Care, Burlington, VT

CML ist stolz FAHC seit 1977 mit unseren Diensten zur Seite zu stehen. FAHC ist ein oeffentlich-finanziertes klinik-basierter Dialyseanbieter in Vermont, welcher den gesamten Staat versorgt. Die zentrale Klinik dient sowohl ambulanten, als auch stationaeren-Patienten. FAHC beheimatet die Infrastruktur des Informationssystems.

University of North Staffordshire Hospital, UK Cybernius Medical Europe GmbH

The 4 th largest hospital in the UK and the first site in Europe to incorporate the cyberREN renal care system with 30 stations, 2 satellites units with a total of 21 stations, utilizing the Linux based system. A teaching and research hospital the University of North Staffordshire hospital is an impressive facility that operates six clinical service divisions.

"I really appreciate your efforts and the support given by cyberREN. I should say that this is excellent customer service and I am very pleased."

Kind Regards,

Siddhant Jain - Renal Systems Administrator January, 2007

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